
Fall Semester

DSSP: Discrete-time and Statistical Signal Processing

Prof. Hans-Andrea Loeliger (Bachelor or Master)

IEML: Introduction to Estimation and Machine Learning

Prof. Hans-Andrea Loeliger (Bachelor or Master)

IT I: Information Theory I

Prof. Amos Lapidoth (Master)

ASF: Analog Signal Processing and Filtering

Prof. Hanspeter Schmid (Master)

AK I: Acoustics I

Dr. Reto Pieren (Master)

CommSys: Communication Systems

Prof. Christoph Studer, Dr. Stefan Moser

Spring Semester

AECC: Algebra and Error Correcting Codes

Prof. Hans-Andrea Loeliger (Master)

MESA: Model-Based Estimation and Signal Analysis

Prof. Hans-Andrea Loeliger (Master)

CDT: Communication and Detection Theory

Prof. Amos Lapidoth (6th Sem. Bachelor)

IT II: Information Theory II

Biennial course (next term: spring 2025)

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